If you take a peek through the enthusiastically decorated windows of my life you will see (apart from an amazing family accentuated by one charming pup) a LOVE for making things with my hands!
I thrill at the possibilities of making something out of nothing! Taking a ball of clay and forming it into a sweet monster with a charming personality, delights me to my very core. While this is a very (and I do mean very) recent found passion of mine, I will never give it up!
I spent many years scrapbooking, paper craft making, even gave knitting a try! But none of that was ever enough for me. And then just recently, while doing my usual Sunday shopping at my local craft shop, I saw one of the employees making a polymer clay turtle in an example workshop. Other shoppers, smiled and nodded, lingered for a brief moment before taking their baskets of googly eyes and glue sticks and heading to the checkout. I was frozen, in awe! Not at the fact that this craft counter employee was making a clay turtle, in fact my main focus that kept me frozen in place was the fact that she wasn't putting any life in to it! I was planted, mouth agape, because of the green lump in front of this girl had possibilities, so many possibilities! My fingers tingled with the urge to take it from her and fill that little clay creature with personality and features! I refrained (yay me!) and loaded my cart with 75 bucks worth of polymer clay! And so it began....