Specializing in; Handcrafted Quilts, Table Runners, Wall Hangings and Embroidered Gifts

Congratulations to Monday's Mystery Treasury NUDEANDLOITERING!!
Here is my interview with the awesome Katie, the mastermind behind the fantastic and witty creations of Nudeandloitering. http://www.etsy.com/shop/nudeandloitering?ref=seller_info
Tell me a little bit about yourself and your working style:
I'm Katie and I'm 24 years old. I have been designing and hand painting t-shirts for almost ten years now. I also own a one inch button press that allows me to share my creativity with the world. And most recently I began creating eco-friendly notebooks/journals/planners from recycled paper and movie cards
What inspires your creations?
My creations are inspired mostly by things I enjoy and people I love. Movies play a big part in my creations especially since I am a hardcore horror movie girl and like to create t-shirts for fellow fans. One of my proudest moments was a few years ago I was attending the annual horror convention and actually ran into someone wearing one of my Shaun of the Dead shirts! He had purchased it off E-bay especially for the event and it just blew me away. We got a photo together and it was cooler than meeting any of the guests I had been looking forward to at the convention!
What got you started in your creative line of work?
What actually got me started was the first song I heard by the band Bright Eyes. I fell in love with the lyrics and Conor's other work and really wanted a way to share that. So the first shirt I ever created was just something simple for myself. It was a silhouette image of Conor's face with accompanying lyrics "Bad actors with bad habits." When I wore it to school I got a lot of weird looks (haha it could have also been my bright pink hair) but I didn't really mind because it was fun even if one person recognized where it was from or who he was. It was like we instantly had something in common. Not too long after I started creating designs and selling them on E-bay and then eventually my own website.
What advice would you give to those wanting to create and sell handmade goods?
I get a little bitter from time to time about this ha ha. When I first started creating my own t-shirts a lot of my sales came from custom work for people who had their own ideas or wanted a special gift for someone. Now a days there are many many websites where you can simply upload an image and bam have it printed on a shirt for you, so there aren't as many requests. Realizing this, I just focused on creating more unique designs and working on that aspect. Also creating with what you have around you (like millions of movie cards from working too many years at a failing videostore chain lol) So I guess my only advice is don't ever give up! Times may change, but if you have a good idea and work hard, success is sure to follow :)
Thanks Katie!!
Check out these awesome items from Nudeandloitering on etsy

Monday's Mystery Treasury:
Can you guess the theme/title of my mystery treasury?
The answer is a specific title (CLUE: It's a song title)
You can guess as many times as you want! A winner will be chosen randomly from those who guess correctly. The prize will be an interview feature here on my blog AND one item from the winner's shop will be featured on my facebook everyday for a WEEK!
The winner will be announced tomorrow morning, an item from their shop will be featured on facebook tomorrow afternoon and their interview will be posted here on Wednesday!!
Good Luck!
here is the treasury http://www.etsy.com/treasury/MTA3OTU2NDJ8NDkwODAxNTUw/can-you-guess
The answer is a specific title (CLUE: It's a song title)
You can guess as many times as you want! A winner will be chosen randomly from those who guess correctly. The prize will be an interview feature here on my blog AND one item from the winner's shop will be featured on my facebook everyday for a WEEK!
The winner will be announced tomorrow morning, an item from their shop will be featured on facebook tomorrow afternoon and their interview will be posted here on Wednesday!!
Good Luck!
here is the treasury http://www.etsy.com/treasury/MTA3OTU2NDJ8NDkwODAxNTUw/can-you-guess
Congratulations to the Monday Mystery Treasury winner HIPPIECHICJEWELZ!!!
Here is my interview with Julianne, the beautiful mind behind the beautiful creations of Hippiechicjewelz on Etsy.
Tell me a little bit about yourself and your working style:
I am a stay at home working mom. I have 6 children, my oldest is in college, I then have a 13, 10, 8, 7 and 3 year old which, keeps me very busy!
I have been designing/selling my jewelry for over 15 years. My designs are all handcrafted and one of a kind. I work with many different types of media, my favorite is Polymer Clay, Moretti Glass is a close second.
I find it incredibly satisfying to take an idea from my mind, through my hands, to become a piece of wearable art. I like looking at the things I have made and noticing recurring visual elements that connect all of my jewelry.
What inspires your creations?
I would say that most of my creations are influenced and inspired by music and everyday surroundings. I may hear a song that makes my heart smile or see a sunset that has extraordinary colors that I want to capture and off to my studio to create a work of art.
What got you started in your creative line of work?:
It wasn't a clear-cut decision. It was something that sort of evolved in my life. My goal was to make a few things as gifts for my family and friends, then other people started seeing them and it grew from there. I found that not only does creating relieve stress for me, it was an exceptional way to supplement my family's income and allows me to be a stay at home mom. To be honest there wasn't an exact moment that I decided to start an Etsy shop, life just decided that for me.
What advice would you offer to those wanting to create and sell handmade goods?
The advice I conjure most regularly is to keep you heart in your artwork!. If you don’t have the passion or drive to create a certain piece, it is going to show in the results. The handcrafted business is extremely competitive. It takes a lot of time for people to discover you. In order to do that, it requires long hours. I do get to set my own hours which is really nice, but if you want to succeed, you have to be persistent and expect that some days you may not get any sales. It takes a lot of work, time and determination. The creative aspect is only one side. Other areas that require a lot of your time and should not be overlooked are marketing through social networking and accounting. The absolute most important piece, you must really "Love" what you are doing!
Thanks Julianne!!
Check out these fantastic items from Hippiechicjewelz on Etsy

Monday's Mystery Treasury:
Can you guess the theme/title of my mystery treasury?
The answer is a specific title (CLUE: you may have read this in high school)
You can guess as many times as you want! A winner will be chosen randomly from those who guess correctly. The prize will be an interview feature here on my blog AND one item from the winner's shop will be featured on my facebook everyday for a WEEK!
The winner will be announced tomorrow morning, an item from their shop will be featured on facebook tomorrow afternoon and their interview will be posted here on Wednesday!!
Good Luck!
Friday's Feature:
This week's feature is the creative minds behind Kambachshop! They are Susie Kamper and Berrit Bachmann. Their whimsical needle felted goodies and quirky art work makes visiting their shop a delight that is much like reading a good book! You can tell that each item was made with love and filled with personality! Listed below is one of my favorite items from their shop, but if you take a look I'm sure you'll find something you love too! http://www.etsy.com/shop/kambachshop?ref=seller_info

Friday's Feature:
This week I will share with you the beautiful work of Sandi! A fellow STATTEAM leader, fantastic jewelry designer and friend. While many of my favorite creations made by Sandi are her wire wraped rings, Sandi has the gifted ability to work with many materials. Pictured here is one of my favorite items from Sandi's shop, but I'm sure you will find something you love too! And ordering a handmade beauty from Sandi, you will find that she is also a gem! http://www.etsy.com/shop/JemsbySandi?ref=seller_info

Tuesday's Five For The Overwhelmed:
This week is strictly STATTEAM!! I am so proud to be a team leader of this awesome etsy team!! So this week I bring to you the amazing work of five STATTEAM members!
1.Upcycled puzzle piece pin! http://www.etsy.com/shop/PearlesPainting?ref=seller_info

3.Lapis lazuli and stearling silver earrings http://www.etsy.com/shop/bethdell?ref=seller_info

5.Chunky charm bracelet http://www.etsy.com/shop/sassyspark?ref=seller_info

This Friday I bring to your visual taste buds, the wonderful and beautiful work of "Katt", artist, art teacher and mastermind behind Black Friday Studios! I love the variety of paintings in Black's shop. She creates beautiful landscape pieces as well as stunning portraits! I can guarantee if you work with Black on a custom order, you will be back for more! She is a great person to communicate with, I think her sense of humor is as much of a treasure as her work! This is one of my favorite pieces from her shop. Check her out, I'm sure you'll find something you love too. http://www.etsy.com/shop/BlackFridayStudios?ref=seller_info

Tuesday's five for the overwhelmed:
1.Stirling silver embriorded ring http://www.etsy.com/shop/metalclothnwood?ref=seller_info

2. Woodland Maple Leaf original letterpress http://www.etsy.com/shop/rawartletterpress?ref=seller_info

3.Hollipop and the White fawn (by my favorite Canadian Artist!) http://www.etsy.com/shop/thepoppytree?ref=seller_info

4. Felted wool acorns http://www.etsy.com/shop/SewnNatural?ref=seller_info

5.Canada Day wreath http://www.etsy.com/shop/HeartfeltYarnWreaths?ref=seller_info

Tuesday's five for the overwhelmed:
This week I will introduce you to five recycled/upcycled handmade items on etsy!
You may think it is impossbile to make anything greater than a milk carton bird feeder from recycling but these creators have gone above and beyond!
1.This first item is a pair of earrings made from recycled t-shirt strands! http://www.etsy.com/shop/TNTees?ref=seller_info

2.This next item is made from upcycled and repurposed t-shirts! http://www.etsy.com/shop/zJayne?ref=seller_info

3.This artist uses old tattered book pages to create beautiful illustrations on! http://www.etsy.com/shop/DreameryStudio?ref=seller_info

4.This "super recycler" made a beautiful piece of jewelry from recycled maps! http://www.etsy.com/shop/ivylanedesigns?ref=seller_info

5.This beautiful creation was made from repurposed sheet music! http://www.etsy.com/shop/SpareBedroomStudio?ref=seller_info

Friday's Feature (on Monday! being a mommy of two I don't always know what day of the week it is :p)
My second Friday feature is a shop owner and creator I admire! Apart from creating some beautiful and unique jewelry, this self taught artist (and hippie at heart) works VERY hard to make our STATTEAM a happy and supportive place to be!
Julianne is a strong spirit and sweet soul! and her jewelry is wonderful too! This is one of my favorite items in her shop! But check her out for yourself I'm sure you'll find something you love too! http://www.etsy.com/shop/Hippiechicjewelz?ref=seller_info

Tuesday's Five for the overwhelmed:
This week I will introduce you to five bath and body shops on Etsy!
1. If you are as fussy as I am when it comes to lip balms THIS shop has the perfect product!

Every Friday I will feature an Etsy shop I fancy! This first shop feature is one I fell in love with right away! I love literature, storybook characters and fairy tales as well as handmade (very special) items!
My first feature has found her way to combine the two. Making what was already a beautiful knitted or felted item come to life by giving it a familiar, inviting name!
LITKNITS comes from the talented, spirited work of Laura Sparks!
With a Ph.D in English and a passion for knitting, Laura brings charming and well-crafted items to the Etsy shopping world!
Laura has a terrific selection of items in her shop, ranging from fingerless gloves to felted accessories like bowls and coasters!
These Jane Austen reading gloves are my personal favorite! Check out Litknits shop and I'm sure you'll find a favorite of your own! Enjoy! http://www.etsy.com/shop/LitKnits?ref=seller_info

Ok. Here we go with five jewelry selections from Etsy sellers! I love these items and I hope you find something you enjoy too!
1.The Red Queen's Wedding pendant by EternalAutumn http://www.etsy.com/shop/EternalAutumn?ref=seller_info

2.Rustic Cross earrings by Hippiechicjewelz http://www.etsy.com/shop/Hippiechicjewelz?ref=seller_info

3.Dark brown cowhide wrapped leather bracelet by perfectwear http://www.etsy.com/shop/perfectwear?ref=seller_info

4.Golden yellow glass beaded necklace by elfrenee http://www.etsy.com/shop/ElfRenee?ref=seller_info

5.La luna ring by kathiroussel http://www.etsy.com/shop/kathiroussel?ref=seller_info

Etsy Overwhelmed?
Ok, so if you frequent Etsy (like moi) sometimes the search engine can be a fierce friend, bombarding you with overwhelming amounts of information and thousands of options to choose from! You search "pink" and before long you're going cross eyed looking at previously chewed wads of "pink" bubblegum molded into a "pink" hippopotamus taking a bubble bath with "pink" duckies in a "pink" tub! (ok, I've NEVER seen this...but that would be...funny!)
Anyway, I'm going to help you out! I will feature five items every Tuesday from a category on Etsy. Hopefully, narrowing down decision making for some of you, or at the very least, introducing you to a seller on Etsy that you normally would have missed!
Getting to know Etsy:
If you're unfamiliar with Etsy you are in for a treat!
Etsy is shopping heaven for all things Handmade and Vintage! http://www.etsy.com/
And I will give you a peek into the world of all things lovely, by sharing with you some of my favorite items from terrific sellers on etsy! *None of these sellers have asked me to feature them here, I am just so impressed with their hard work and talent I am confident you will be too*
These are just a few of my favorites! I will feature more ( and more and more) on a regular basis!
1.This is Pomegranate Olive Oil (vegan friendly) soap! Handmade by my favorite soap maker on Etsy. I have purchased soap and lip balm from Dennis Anderson's shop and they are without a doubt the BEST bath and beauty products I've ever laid on my skin! Check him out http://www.etsy.com/shop/dennisanderson?ref=pr_shop_more

2. This is "Big Juicy Tears of Blood and Pain" hand painted by another of my favorite Etsy sellers. oddballartco has amazing artistic talent and a great story behind her work. There's feeling and emotion in every piece she does. I am totally buying myself one of her prints for my birthday! Check her out http://www.etsy.com/shop/oddballartco?ref=seller_info

3. This so very lovely vase is called FLORAPALOOZA and was hand thrown by my favorite etsy pottery artist redhotpottery! You can see the close attention to detail in her work and each piece is always unique! Check her out http://www.etsy.com/shop/redhotpottery?ref=seller_info

4. Hemp Barefoot sandals! I love these! Anything that can fancy up bare feet is like magic in my book! Mojo puts a lot of work and beauty into her beautiful hippie creations! I find her shop quite charming! Check her out http://www.etsy.com/shop/mojo3777creations?ref=seller_info

5. Custom market bags! Made by LazyMondays. Her bags are lovely and very unique, but I love love love the idea of custom shopping bags! These would definitely remind me to use my own bags at the market because they're so cute, I would want to show them off! Check her out http://www.etsy.com/shop/LazyMondays?ref=seller_info